5-year RD&E Plan for NT fisheries and aquaculture

5-year RD&E Plan for NT fisheries and aquaculture

Fisheries research, development and extension (RD&E) plans are essential for guiding investment but can be challenging to pull together between diverse sectors. With distinct stakeholder groups and large geographical separation, the Northern Territory presents...
Indonesian fishery training and development

Indonesian fishery training and development

Fishwell Consulting worked with Monash University to develop and present training modules for a Sustainable Fisheries Management Short Course program presented to various fisheries groups in Indonesia.  Topics included harvest strategies, data collection OCS...
Review of Abalone Dive Rates

Review of Abalone Dive Rates

The Tasmanian wild harvest abalone fishery for Blacklip Abalone and Greenlip Abalone accounts for 25% of the total global wild caught abalone. Harvesting is undertaken by divers who are paid a $ per kilo rate by quota holders. This arrangement has led to discontent...
Victorian Ocean Scallop Biomass Survey

Victorian Ocean Scallop Biomass Survey

The abundance of Commercial Scallops (Pectin fumatus) in the Victorian (Ocean) Scallop Fishery area was low during the mid- to late-2000’s prompting the closure of the fishery. A series of biomass surveys revealed that there were no commercially viable scallop beds...
Indigenous Capacity Building

Indigenous Capacity Building

There is increasing demand for Indigenous Australians to participate in fisheries management forums.  With this increase in demand, it became apparent that there was a need to increase the number of Indigenous Australians that have the capacity to effectively...
Shark Product Traceability

Shark Product Traceability

Traceability of shark products is fundamental to ensuring it is sourced from a sustainably managed fishery and to the effective operation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. This project has developed a system that...