There is increasing demand for Indigenous Australians to participate in fisheries management forums. With this increase in demand, it became apparent that there was a need to increase the number of Indigenous Australians that have the capacity to effectively participate in these forums. This need prompted this education and training program. The main outcome of this project included workshops completed by 26 Indigenous Australians that include PowerPoint presentations, short videos and fact sheets. The longer-term outcome was to build on the current project and to run regular workshops, expanding to include recreational fishers. This is being realised with workshops having been run for the Torres Strait Regional Authority, and a new project funded by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) to develop and deliver training activities for Indigenous, recreational and commercial fisheries.
Indigenous Capacity Building

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Capacity Building | Fishery Sciences Communication | Harvest Strategies | Industry Collaboration | Survey and Monitoring
Indigenous Reference Group: Fisheries Capacity-Building Project