SESSF (Commonwealth Trawl Sector) Fishery Independent Surveys

SESSF (Commonwealth Trawl Sector) Fishery Independent Surveys

Fishery independent surveys have been undertaken intermittently in the Commonwealth Trawl sector area of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark fishery since 2008. Fishery independent surveys have the benefit of not being subject to some inherent problems with...
Design and implementation of a tropical snapper trawl survey

Design and implementation of a tropical snapper trawl survey

Tropical snapper are important target and by product species of several northern fisheries including the Northern Territory’s Demersal Fisheries, the Timor Reef Fishery and the Queensland Gulf of Carpentaria Developmental Fin Fish Trawl Fishery (GOCDFFTF). Stock...
Indonesian fishery training and development

Indonesian fishery training and development

Fishwell Consulting worked with Monash University to develop and present training modules for a Sustainable Fisheries Management Short Course program presented to various fisheries groups in Indonesia.  Topics included harvest strategies, data collection OCS...
Resource Survey of the Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector

Resource Survey of the Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector

The Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector (GABTS) of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) targets two main species, Deepwater Flathead (Neoplatycephalus conatus) and Bight Redfish (Centroberyx gerrardi). Fisheries independent trawl surveys have...
Indigenous Capacity Building

Indigenous Capacity Building

There is increasing demand for Indigenous Australians to participate in fisheries management forums.  With this increase in demand, it became apparent that there was a need to increase the number of Indigenous Australians that have the capacity to effectively...