Genetic catch verification to support recovery plans for deepsea gulper sharks (genus Centrophorus, family Centrophoridae) – an Australian example using the 16S gene by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
Reconciling approaches to the assessment and management of data-poor species and fisheries with Australia’s Harvest Strategy Policy by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
Genetic stock structure of blue-eye trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) and warehous (Seriolella brama and Seriolella punctata) in south-eastern Australian waters by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
In situ examination of the behaviour of fish in response to demersal trawl nets in an Australian trawl fishery by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
Developing harvest strategies for low-value and data-poor fisheries: Case studies from three Australian fisheries by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
Collaborative approaches to accessing and utilising historical citizen science data: a case-study with spearfishers from eastern Australia by Ian Knuckey | Aug 26, 2021
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